2020-10-14Bratislava has been formed by the ideas of Modernism. More than two thirds of its current area has been built in the course of the past one hundred years based on modern architectural and urban planning principles. However, these concepts have only been implemented to a limited extent or in a manner that differed from the authors’ intentions. To a great extent, the reasons for this discrepancy between planning and implementation lie in the social and political changes which the city faced in the past century, as well as in the conflicts of interest of local actors and state administrations and their ideas regarding the forming of the city as national or regional center. The example of the planning and development of Bratislava in the past century is not unique in the European context. On the contrary, to a certain extent it can serve as a model example of the transformation of new centers of successor countries of the former Habsburg monarchy, as well as other European cities.
The aim of the international conference entitled (Un)Planned City is to present these apparently contradictory and paradoxical tendencies in the planning of European cities. We are interested in contributions that will address the broad theme of organized planning and spontaneity in the development of modern cities and not only from the perspective of the history of urbanism, urban planning and architecture, but also from a wider interdisciplinary perspective, touching on philosophy, sociology, political science, geography and anthropology. Studies of specific cities and sites, as well as contributions dedicated to the methodological and theoretical aspects of this topic are welcome. The conference will also attempt to provide space for discussion regarding new possibilities in the presentation and analysis of knowledge on urbanism through interdisciplinary approaches and the use of new technology.
The event is organised with the financial support of the APVV agency, project APVV-16-0584.
(Un)Planned Bratislava
Contributions will be oriented on the modern planning of Bratislava, analyses of urbanistic and architectural plans
and implementations and their wider context in the course of the past century.
- Matěj Spurný: Urban experts´ dreamland? Architects and urban planners building and governing Bratislava (1960 to 1975)
- Vitková Ľubica, Smatanová Katarína, Šeligová Andrea: Impacts of (non) planning on the transformation of the transverse axis of Bratislava
- Azmah Arzmi: Reinterpreting Petržalka 1967 - 2020: From Process of State Socialist Utopia to Utopia of State Capitalist Process
- Mária Klaučová: Bratislava in a globalizing world
(Un)Planned Metropolises
Contributions will focus on planning and development, as well as on the overall transformation of the urban structure
of new capitals and regional centers in Europe from the late 19th century through the late 20th century.
- Regina Balla, Anna Kornélia Losonczy, Gleb Antypenko, Melinda Benkő: Re-Shaping Budapest: Large Housing Estates and their (un)Planned Centers
- Jelica Jovanović: New Belgrade Post-Plan: Searching for the Middle Ground Between the “Federation Capital” and “The City” of Belgrade
- Klára Brůhová: Parliament for Prague – Proposals, Competitions and Debates on its Location and Architecture
- Lina Degtyaryova, Oleg Olashyn: Urban Planning and Construction of the Interwar City of Uzhhorod: Mission Interrupted
- Karel Maier: Planning of Bohemian regional centres in the period of their industrialisation and modernisation: Pilsen and Hradec Králové
- Adriana Priatková, Ján Sekan, Dávid M. Tamáska: The Komensky Street in Kosice –The Story of an Avenue of the 20th Century
History of the (Un)Planned Modern City
Contributions will be oriented on reflections on the history of European urbanism of the 19th and 20th centuries
and on the historiography of urbanism in Europe.
- Andrea Blaga: International Influences in the Swedish Planning Discourse during the Early 20th Century
- Aliksander Schuba: The Formation and Development of the Network of Soviet Urban Planning Historians in the 1950s
- Ondřej Jirásek: Nationalizing of the European cities
- Susanna Weddige: The Contribution of Female Theoreticians to European Urbanism
- Andrea Gimeno Sánchez: For the Sake of Environment: ARARAT Exhibition, Stockholm, 1976
Research and Presentation of the (Un)Planned City
Contributions will focus on theoretical reflections on the mechanisms of modern planning and urban development,
as well as on new possibilities for analyzing, modeling and intermediating spatial, social and political transformations
of the modern city.
- Henrieta Moravčíková: Bratislava (Un)planned City: Notes on the Study and Interpretation of the History of City Planning and Construction
- Peter Stec: Creative Transformations: the Campus Paradigm
- Lýdia Grešáková, Zuzana Tabačková, Zuzana Révészová: Mapping with Care as an Outline for Post Neoliberal Architecture Methodologies – tools of the Never-never school
- Pavol Mazalán, Peter Mazalán: City as a Place Prepared for Neurodiversity
- Liana Rosinová: Extinguished Cities: the Social Impact of Modernist Urban Planning
All contributions are available online on the conference page (UN)PLANNED CITY