The project of a new standardised elementary school was created in parallel with the design of the Petržalka housing estate. It was intended for the volume standardization, i.e. the complete repetition of the entire building, while one of the important requirements was to reduce the built-up area in favor of larger public spaces. Architects Grébertová and Slíž therefore designed the school as a monoblock divided into four functional groups - classrooms, gyms, canteens with club rooms and service rooms and administration. Due to the different spatial requirements of the particular functional groups, the architects chose two types of bearing structure. Reinforced concrete prefabricated structures were used for common classrooms and the steel structures of the BAUMS type for gyms and canteens. The central compositional and functional space of the school is a large vestibule with a height of two floors, which makes the individual parts of the school accessible. The school's volume structure is composed in the shape of the letter Y, while the two protruding tracts form the entrance courtyard with the main entrance and the area of the facade intended for artistic decoration. The first two schools of this type were built in the locality of Zrkadlový háj (Dudova street). A total of 21 of these schools were built in Petržalka.
In the second decade of the 21st century two stages of reconstruction and adaptation of one of these schools on Haanova street were realized (Ján Studený and coll. 2014 - 2016; Oliver Kleinert and coll. 2016 - 2019). This process clearly showed transformational potential and high quality of the spatial concept of this standardised school.
SLÍŽ Jozef, 1972. Nové objekty pre Petržalka. In. Projekt, vol. 14, No. 9. p. 34.
SLÍŽ Jozef, GREBERTOVÁ Eva, 1981. Základná deväťročná škola v Bratislavskej Petržalke. Úvahy nad hranicami objemovej typizácie. Projekt, vol 23, No. 8, p. 12 – 15.
Stavoprojekt Bratislava 1949-1989, 1989. eds. Pavol Mrázek, Jozef Skala, Bratislava: Alfa, unpagined.
MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Henrieta - TOPOLČANSKÁ, Mária - SZALAY, Peter - DULLA, Matúš - ŠČEPÁNOVÁ, Soňa - TOSCHEROVÁ, Slávka - HABERLANDOVÁ, Katarína.2011, Bratislava atlas sídlisk / Bratislava atlas of mass housing. Bratislava : Slovart, 2011. 341 s.
SZALAY Peter, 2020, Rekonštrukcia Gymnázia C. S. Lewisa, Bratislava, In. Ročenka Slovenskej architektúry 2018/2019 - Bratislava : SLOVART, 2020, s. 46 –52.