The House of Culture in Bojnice illustrates Marcinkova's preference for long parallel lines of walls, which determine not only the interior spaces of the building, but also the connection between the interior and the exterior. The individual wall lines are not set schematically at equal distances. Their spacing is rhythmic to a certain extent and indicates the alternation of different types of spaces conditioned by function and operational relationships. The length of these rhythmic internal space-defining walls in turn shapes the building's relationships with the external environment. It responds to the existing built environment, framing and articulating the public space around the building.
In terms of layout, the two main spaces of the cultural centre, the 396-seat hall with a rising floor with a curtain by Slávka Pecháčková and the universal hall with a flat floor, were placed in two wider tracts. The remaining two narrower tracts were used by the author for changing rooms and club rooms. The other club rooms were arranged in two wings crossing into the courtyard area, as seen in the outbuildings of the other houses on the square. On the House of Culture, Milica Marcinková used textured tiling for the first time. The scalloped ceramic tiles in white and brick, designed by the architect's husband Marián Marcinka for an East Slovak manufacturer, were later used with great popularity not only by her but also by a considerable number of architects of the time.
For the House of Culture in Bojnice, Marcinková also received the most professional recognition. In 1981 she was awarded the Prize of the Union of Slovak Architects. Two years later, she exhibited this very work at the 1983 Interarch World Exhibition in Sofia, Bulgaria, which was practically the only opportunity for Slovak architects at that time to confront their work in an international environment.
MORAVČIKOVÁ, Henrieta: Neviditeľné architektky. Architektúra & urbanizmus, 2015, 1 - 2, s. 82 - 103.
KOVÁČ, Martin: Kultúrne prostredie nie je prepych. Projekt 224, 1989, 2, s. 37 - 42
MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Henrieta - SZALAY, Peter. Domy kultúry na Slovensku: Vzostup a pád jedného typologického druhu. In Osvěta, kultura, zábava: kultúrní domy v Československu,Michaela Janečková, Irena Lehkoživoá (eds.) 2024, VI PER: Praha, 601 s.