In the spirit of American suburban shopping malls, there was built a shopping center at the highway crossroad on the western outskirts of Bratislava, later called the Lamač Department store. The emphasis is on the central hall, from which there are entrances to individual sales areas. Storerooms are located around the perimeter of the building. The bearing skeleton structure of the Department store consists of a then progressive prefabricated system of elements Integro. Windowless facades are vertically latticed by strong ribs. The entire flat roof was reserved for parking lots accessible by two cranked ramps. The building is an interesting example of a generous architectural concept, as well as of a gradual transformation of ideas about basic housing estate facilities.
Čížek P.: Prímestské nákupné stredisko v Bratislave. Konštrukcia ako formotvorný činiteľ. Projekt 22, 1980, . 7. s. 23- 24.
Dulla, M.. Obchodný dom Lamač v Bratislave. Projekt 30, 1988, č. 9, s. 29 - 33.
MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Henrieta - TOPOLČANSKÁ, Mária - SZALAY, Peter - DULLA, Matúš - ŠČEPÁNOVÁ, Soňa - TOSCHEROVÁ, Slávka - HABERLANDOVÁ, Katarína. Bratislava, atlas sídlisk. Bratislava, Atlas of Mass Housing. Bratislava : Slovart, 2011. 341 s. 236.