Extensive block of the post office building has been originally designed by the architect for several levels of operation and management of mail and telegraph, which included the so-called “Radiojournal” space. The street level is unified in a compact block, the upper floors however are divided into respective departments with relatively separate building volumes of varying height. A number of key motifs were applied, contributing to the modern character of the building, including constructivist staircase towers, horizontal strip windows or stylish circular windows, as well as ochre ceramic tile. The most impressive however is the spacious postal hall, enclosed with a vaulted glass block ceiling. This post office building is regarded as the first public building in Slovakia built in the new modern spirit. Ministry of Post and Telecommunication of the day belonged to those investors who promoted the modern architecture the most.
FOLTYN, Ladislav: Slovenská architektúra česká avantgarda 1918 – 1939. Bratislava, SAS 1993, 238 s., tu s. 83 – 84.
PRIATKOVÁ, Adriana: Architektonické osobnosti medzivojnového obdobia Košíc. In: Architektúra a končiace sa storočie. Zborník referátov. Ed. Matúš Dulla. Bratislava, ÚSTARCH SAV, FA STU, SAS 2000, s. 32.
DULLA, Matúš – MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Henrieta: Architektúra Slovenska v 20. storočí. Bratislava, Slovart 2002. 512 s., tu s. 29, 356.