F. L. Gahura, the architect from Zlín, built for the doctors Josef Sázel and his wife Stanislava Kovářová-Sázelová a villa with a consulting room and rooms for patients. Its architectural rendering was formally close to the Corbusier's villa buildings - the garden facade stood on columns, the loggia was a simple cubical cut out and above a part of the roof was characteristic scenic attic cover. The impressive space in its interior was a hall with a gallery and a fireplace. The hall was two stories high. Upstairs were bedrooms and a guest room. There was also a winter garden and a large terrace. Unfortunately, the villa was demolished in 2005. It was one of the only two works of this Czech architect in Slovakia and one of the most important examples of family housing of its kind not only in Slovakia.
FOLTYN, Ladislav: Slovenská architektúra a česká avantgarda 1918 – 1939. Bratislava, Spolok architektov Slovenska 1993. 238 s., tu s. 174.
DULLA, Matúš – MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Henrieta: Architektúra Slovenska v 20. storočí. Bratislava, Slovart 2002. 512 s.
Slávne vily Slovenska. Editor Matúš Dulla. Foibos Books, 2010. 282 s., tu s. 154, 155.