The polyclinic building is situated close to the arterial road of the Ružinov housing estate, Ružinovská street in the Trávniky part. It is part of the planned central axis of the housing estate with a set of public buildings and spaces for recreation. The building has three wings with three-aisled layout composed in the shape of the letter Y. At the junction of the wings the foyer with a subtle staircase is located. The smooth concave bow of the facades with horizontal lines of ribbon windows, as well as the appropriate scale respond to the morphology of the area with the dominant element of the lake. The Ružinov polyclinic belongs to an array of exceptional architectural works from the period of the 1960s in Slovakia, which harmoniously followed the elegance of curved lines and the lightness of poetic functionalism.
SCHUSTER, J.: Poliklinika Ružinov. Projekt 14, 1972, 8, s. 17 – 19.
KRIVOŠOVÁ, Janka – LUKÁČOVÁ, Elena: Premeny súčasnej architektúry Slovenska. Bratislava, Alfa 1990. 200 s., tu s. 133.
DULLA, Matúš – MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Henrieta: Architektúra Slovenska v 20. storočí. Bratislava, Slovart 2002. 512 s., tu s. 429.