The radio station with the adjacent residential house stands on the hill Laskomer above Banská Bystrica. Despite its symmetrical composition, the transmitter building is clearly a functionalist architecture. The reinforced concrete skeleton made it possible to situate a spacious broadcasting hall in the center of the layout, to which other workplaces are attached. Apart from the massive stone foundation, the building was originally completely lined with ceramic tiles, which probably came from the Trnava brickyard of D. Jurkovič. It underwent renovation in the 1980s, the author of the project was Litecký-Šveda. Today, only a torso remains of the cladding on the receding middle part of the main volume.
DULLA, Matúš – MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Henrieta: Architektúra Slovenska v 20. storočí. Bratislava, Slovart 2002. 512 s.