The architect M. Chorvát added an object to the three cooperative houses by Emil Belluš, which was originally called the House of Fine Arts and Architecture. In the higher mass, it faithfully adapted to the older architecture and after that the block is closed with a lower exhibition building in the shape of an elongated hexagon. In the middle of it, there is the central hall illuminated from above and two long exhibition halls around its perimeter. The hall on the upper floor is illuminated by a long slit with rotating sun lamellas. On the ground floor there is a social hall in the center, which has long functioned as a university club. There we can see a corrugated board on the ceiling - an architect´s favourite motif inspired by Alvar Aalto. You can clearly feel the post-Stalinist lay-off and the spirit of renewed lightness of modernity in the building.
Architektura ČSR 17, 1958, s. 342
KRAMÁR, Eugen: Dom umenia v Bratislave. Projekt 8, 1966, 3, s. 45 - 49.
DULLA, Matúš – MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Henrieta: Architektúra Slovenska v 20. storočí. Bratislava, Slovart 2002. 512 s.